Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tagged =)

tagged by mich.. =D

-Do not copy answers
-The tag questions must be 100% the same
-Tag people before doing tag

i tag..
1. Lyanne
2. Adrian
3. Barbara
4. Debbra
5 . Forgetitbar
6 . Jillian
7. Keryn
8. Glen
9. Tracy

How do you know 1? -Lyanne-
worked with her at zing. XD

What would you do if you never meet 2? -Adrian-
er.. nothing.

What would you do if 3 and 4 dated? -Barb and Deb-
bahahaha.. this two? no way.. they'll commit suicide before i do. hahaha.

Would 5 and 6 make a good couple? -Forgetitbar and Jill-
teehee.. very good couple indeed. XD

Do you think 7 is attractive? -Keryn-
very.. =)

Tell me something about 9. -Tracy-
very very smart girl..

What's 1's favourite past time? -Lyanne-
hmm.. sleep? lol. =p

What language does 2 speak? -Adrian-
er.. him ar? chinese and english.

Who is 3 going out with? -Barbara-
her mr. right. ^_^

How old is 4? -Debbra-


When was the last time you talk to 5? -Forgetitbar-
er.. i forgot. XP

Would you date 7? -Keryn-
haha. nop. she's taken and so am i. =)

Is 8 single? -Glen-
think so. lol.

What is 9's last name? -Tracy-

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1? -Lyanne-
unless she propose. =D

Which school does 2 go to? -Adrian-

What do you like about 3? -Barbara-
haha.. siaw cha bo lai de.

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